Bringing wedding culture to the next generation. The challenge of a new “wedding ceremony”.
The choice not to get married. The choice not to have a wedding. As the choices are becoming more and more diverse, shouldn't there be more diversity in the way weddings are held? We are proposing a new way of "wedding ceremony" and passing on wedding culture to the next generation.
Action for the Future

In order to preserve Japanese wedding culture
in the time when 50% of couples get married without a ceremony.
525,507 couples*. This figure is the number of marriages in Japan in 2020, the lowest number in the postwar period. This means that the number of marriages has decreased by more than 30% over the past 20 years since 2000, when it exceeded 790,000. Although there are many possible reasons for this decline, such as the prolonged economic stagnation, the spread of infectious diseases, and the diversification of values, it is an undeniable fact that fewer couples are getting married each year and the birthrate is declining at an accelerating pace. Furthermore, it is estimated that nearly half of all couples who get married choose not to have a wedding ceremony due to financial reasons or the hassle of preparations. If this trend continues, the wedding market will continue to shrink and Japanese wedding culture will become obsolete. With this sense of crisis, we are focusing our efforts on the new way of "wedding ceremony" with photo wedding, as an attempt to boost the industry as a whole.

New way of "wedding ceremony"
at the photo studio.
Even though "no wedding ceremony" has become a trend, the desire to wear a wedding dress and to preserve wedding photos remains strong, and the demand for photo weddings has been increasing in recent years. In light of these changes, we are launching a new service of a new "wedding ceremony" that goes beyond the current concept of photo wedding. We put particular effort in the photo studio, which offers an irresistible interior. Our team of wedding professionals, from dress coordinators to photographers, will provide a special experience that will be engraved as a couple's "wedding" memory. As an alternative for couples who do not have a wedding ceremony, and as a catalyst for couples who are thinking about getting married, we are committed to providing a new way of "wedding ceremony" and continue to spread the word about the excellence of wedding. *Source: 2020 Vital Statistics, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare